Glamour & Graffiti

Cleaning thee ol' desktop and hard drives, or at least starting to.. and reminded that much of my work has gone unseen. Cheers to the digital hoarding of photographers, and to the hopes that I will find the time in my lifetime to continue weeding through to find the gems. 

This was a shoot I assisted under Robert Szatmari (a previous professor of mine/very talented photographer). Being the doll that he is he always offers me time for myself to shoot. This was our second or maybe third time working with Meng (the perfect teacup model & sweetest girl) together. Her portfolio is mind-blowingly good so it was such a pleasure.

The venue was Tattooed Moms in our nearby city of brotherly love. The great staff there allowed us to be in their space outside of normal business hours.

I love collaborating with talented professionals! A model at a bar is somewhat out of the realm of what I specialize in on a daily basis, but just some insight... I LOVE trying new things and expanding the horizons of my work! Always feel free to contact me if you have ideas and believe I could help you execute them;)